Monday, September 24, 2012

"Remember how we were best friends? Yea, I miss that".... A post I read from  my daughter's page this morning. Even at her age she is experiencing how time changes who you hang out with. How we all grow apart and circumstances beyond our control prevents us from "hanging" out as much. And it wont stop at that age, in fact, it continues well into our adult life if not more. As we get older, our tastes changes too. Developing our own identity at a young age may not include those whom molded us from the get go. The ones that praised you, ones that bullied you, ones that cried and laughed with you and most of all, the ones that touched our hearts the most. Those are the ones that accepted you for who you were, complimented you to make you feel good about yourself, all the right things a best friend would do, until they changed (or vice versa) and then you weren't good enough to hang out with or boredom set in and no longer had anything in common. It's a tough thing to learn. The pain doesn't leave so readily when you are abandoned and the wondering of whether or not you had done something wrong is even worse. When all it was, is, it was time to explore and gather new friends. You got all that you could get from that relationship and then we move on. You will never forget those school aged friends. I never did. I still think about them now and again. And tho' I wished I could have done things differently with my old friends, I made sure with my new friends, I wouldn't make the same mistakes again. So in hindsight, it's all a learning tool and a part of life. My daughter? She will survive, she's strong and her heart is big enough to fit many friends.

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